Kindness vs. Evangelism


In one way or another, some think that there is a conflict between kindness and evangelism. If there is a conflict, then which one should come first? Or, in other words, which is more important?


But let each of us ask himself/herself directly and clearly: Do I think that kindness and evangelism can join together in harmony or are they opposites? If I need to classify them, which one comes first?


In fact, evangelism starts because you love people and care for them. It starts because of a generous kindness in your heart as a Christian. It is the wish “that they might have life more abundantly.” As a Christian, when you are kind, that means you are an evangelist. It means you have a great thing, a great gift, a great help that you can offer. It means that you wish to do so. As a Christian, you need to remember the commission that you have been given from the Lord.


You need to remember one of the most important purposes in your life — “Evangelism!”


Now what should I do if others consider my evangelism as offensive? I will continue loving and praying for them. I will continue my search for a way to show them the importance of the gospel in their temporary life here, and in their eternal, coming life.


It offends the Lord when I stop the task of evangelism; “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.” I am a kind evangelist servant of Jesus Christ.

                                                                                                          ~ May 2016